Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ringing In Your Ears

This week we are going to focus on volunteers that help the homeless, feed the elderly and spend many hours giving of themselves to those who need help the most.

Like most fortunate folks, I have spent many hours of my life in service. Some of that time as a professional and some as a volunteer. I have been amazed in my forty six years as I have watched so many give so much. My parents were brilliant examples of giving time to those who required the help. They were my constant reminder that the world didn't revolve around me. Personally, I think it should have, but I get the point they were trying to make. In my book, "Advancing Backward", I write about the volunteers for the Salvation Army. Year after year at Christmas time, I would see folks ringing bells in freezing weather in order to help get donations for shelters, food and clothing. Providing basic care to those who are unable to provide for themselves seems so simple and yet takes a village to do it.

I remain awestruck by the generosity of my country and amount of Americans who spend their entire lives giving to others. I live in the most generous country on earth. It is unparalleled, the amount of compassion that pours from this country everyday.

Do you know someone who volunteers so much of their time that maybe they could use a hand, prayer, or a day off? Have you passed the same person day after day, as they spend theirs in service of others? Ask them about themselves. Tell them how fortunate we are to have them. Pray for them and the cause they support. Have you ever thanked the volunteer on the phone who calls for clothing donations? Most are volunteers and have to face a weary public, who may not realize they are merely trying to help the indigent. I thank each one, even when I am completely annoyed by the phone and unable to donate goods. I try and remember that people are trying to do the best they can in order to help in whatever way they have.

I ask that you take a moment and feel the gratitude for these people to your bones. We all hope we never become someone who requires that kind of help, but one never knows when that day will come, or if it will come. Be it at schools helping teachers, church helping children and the elderly, or standing ringing bells by a red bucket, these are the people that work diligently to keep our country the best place in the world to live. They are the reminders that Americans are all heart.

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