Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Reason For the Season

Someone was recently over to my house during the process of me decorating for Christmas. "Why so many Christmas trees? And stuff?" this person asked. I answered we had a bigger house before and some of it was from that. In truth I just wanted the question to go away. "Why not pare it down, then?" another question came at me. I felt my face grow hot and looked down to avoid eye contact fearing I might sear a hole through this person with my over enthusiastic Christmas spirit. I mumbled,"I like it." I then kindly began moving the person toward the door. I smiled a little too broadly as I said, "Thanks for coming, enjoy the holidays, talk to you later..." I could not shut the door fast enough.
Earlier this season I was "reminded", that the reason for the season is Jesus and all the Christmas decorations seemed gaudy. I again, head down so as not to harm anyone mumbled my way out of the situation. The truth is I know my house is over the top. It is meant to be as festive as I can possibly make it. I know how much work it takes to do all this and have to take it all down in a month. I know because I am the one doing the work. Why others feel the need to critique my work when it really doesn't effect them, their life or intrude on them in any form or fashion is beyond me.
The truth is I like my Christmas stuff. No check that, I love my Christmas stuff. Once a year I haul out box after box after box, just so I can put all the things I have acquired over the years out for ME to enjoy. Personally, I hope others like it, but in truth, I really don't care too much what they think when they are negative. The season is so much more to me than just Santa or Baby Jesus. I realize that reducing Jesus to merely part of the season is sacrilege to some, but originally December 25 was about Pagan and Roman holidays anyway. Jesus got thrown into the mix later by a Pope who jumped on the already celebrated day. Just sayin'.
I love the whole history of Christmas and how it evolved into a uniquely American holiday. The Puritans tried to take the hearty celebration away from the peasants and ended up joining them since they found they could not be beat. Santa Clause, although derived from Saint Nicholas, looks the way he does to us now because of American illustrators. And Rudolph, well, don't get me started. Rudolph is and always will be an American icon.
I hear ramblings of how commercial the day is, but it has been that way since the Druids and Romans partied like it was 199. I understand why people buck the cash flow situation this time of year, I don't buy a lot of gifts, so that isn't an issue for me. I never over spend because I hardly spend anything to begin with. I don't believe in that kind of Christmas. My kids have had the same monetary limit on Christmas now that they have had all their lives. Christmas isn't about the money for me.
I love the pageantry of Christmas. I love the decorations, twinkle lights and absurd music that fills every square inch of air. I love the fact that I can justify spending an entire month creating things for around the house, only to finish with a flourish New year's Eve. I put Martha Stewart to shame this time of year. Got an old bucket, pair of tweezers and a flashlight that doesn't work? I will McGuyver that thing into a rustic lighted wine cooler. I am merely stating my talents come to full fruition this time of year. As I sugar my last pine cones of the season (gluing glitter to them), I leave them in the corner to dry before getting the wire out to tie them into greenery, I notice a rather large spider crawling out of the one in my hand. My daughter looks up stunned, "Is that glitter on the spider? Did you glitter a live spider?" She looks on horrified. "I didn't do it on purpose, Silly, I didn't even know it was there. But it does look nice with it's holiday adornment, don't you think?" She leaves the room with a look of disgust on her face, shaking her head. I "dispose" of the unwanted guest and resume looking for the forms for my giant ornaments I want to make to hang from the roof line. The family doesn't usually ask me what I am doing this time of year, for fear I may ask them to join me. I no longer take that personally, since I have been aware of their apathy for holiday decorating, for some time.
I keep my craft pliers, glue gun and assorted fine grain glitter to myself.

The reason for the season for me has been the same for as long as I have had an addled brain wave; the love, lights and charitable attitude are what I surround myself in. I wallow in dreams of Christmas miracles, moments of joy in children, and the beauty of the lights reflecting heavenly stars. I am over the top in all things Christmas, none more prevalent than my hope. This is my season of feeling hopeful next year will be even better, that my family will remain healthy and be happy, and I will continue to grow in wisdom, kindness and compassion, and always remembering when things get tough, Christmas is right around the corner...

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