Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Get Happy Dammit!

I was thinking about what makes me happy. I am rarely, truly unhappy. Mostly because I find it to be a waste of time. I am Crappolla, queen of wasted anything. I rule my own waste. I don't like therefore I try to eliminate all I can. I used the title Crappolla Goddess of Waste at a "God and Goddess" party at my best friend Jim's house. I wore a crown of toilet paper rolls with polymer pooh, with toilet paper streamers. My wine glass was a miniature toilet, which Jim still has. It was a magical costume.
My point is, before my rambling brain rudely interrupted my cognitive thought process, is in order to be happy,. you have to be happy. Oh, that is a very zen statement, meaningless drivel for the average mover and shaker. Ask yourself, what are you moving and shaking? Is it worth it? Are you happy moving and shaking whatever stuff is going in whatever direction?
I am not one to sit and wallow in self pity, however I will tell you I allow myself some time for grief if that is what I feel. It is a place I visit, not where I reside. Even as I write this, I have a fever of unknown origin, I feel like crap and my hands are shaking uncontrollably. Writing is a bitch for me right now, but I know if I persevere, all will pass in time. Maybe I will be the one passing, but my point will be abundantly clear, regardless. No, I am not dying, to my knowledge, but one never really knows when time is up. This thought allows me to circle back over to the point of not wasting what time I have.
To be happy---one has to act happy, not giddy, not euphoric, just not all pissed off at stupid minor things that won't mean anything in the end of your life. Want to know the fastest way to prioritize your life? If it ain't going on your tombstone, then it doesn't really take the number one spot, does it? Think about it...people acknowledge military service, family, personal relationships, but nowhere can you find their job description, rude neighbors, or hostile retail help.
Don't smile through everything either. That is annoying, I don't care how much you paid for your perfect toothy grin. Be sincere. If you feel sad, then be sad and get over it. Ever see that guy that complains all the time? Hear the woman who gripes about her life non stop? If you sad, angry, pissed off, or depressed (not clinical, that is not what I am talking about here) Then you are that guy, that woman, and trust me no one wants to be around you. Now, don't start crying, because no one likes a crybaby either. I am telling you to make a different decision. It is a choice to be happy. It is a choice to be sad. Add up the days of your life when you were happy and sad. If sad out numbers happy, you are making bad decisions. You are choosing your own misery and most of us can't handle that repeatedly day in and day out.
You are now a "buzz kill". You are the very cure to the happiness I am referring to.
So, today, before the day ends and you flop face down on your bed, think about how you going to face tomorrow. If tomorrow turns out to be sad day, then take the day, maybe take the week, but not the month or the infinite ticking clock you may have allowed in previous situations.
Tomorrow, get up, think about what you have, what you are grateful for, set the tone of your own life. Effect everyone who comes in contact with you all day, making them smile or at the very least not want to slit their own wrists for spending time with you.
I am not a euphoric person, most days. I do have amazing days, when I am dancing in the "R" bar (the bar in our house) having my own personal celebration. I am not embarrassed and actually tend to make fun of the pucker butts who refuse to join in the fun. What I am is happy, content in the knowing that I have lead an amazing life, simply because everyday I show up for me and others.
If you "don't have ears", an expression a dear friend taught me about people who refuse to hear anything they don't like, then turn the page here. You may be terminally unhappy with a very poor prognosis. You alone can decide who you are and how you are.
So get happy, dammit. If not for yourself , then please do it for those of us who have to interact with you.

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